Thursday, July 14, 2011

Win a Hazelwood Necklace

Okay, so I'm a terrible blogger.  I'm not surprised!  I'll try and do better, but Evangeline keeps me busy and when she's asleep I can't really get on the computer in her bedroom and typing a blog post on the iPod Touch is not easy or fun!

I do have something definitely worth blogging about today. A giveaway.  I do love winning stuff, especially useful stuff.  Check out my friend, Jen's blog, Wiggles then Giggles.  It's super simple to be entered in the giveaway.  She's giving away a Hazelwood necklace from Leah Beah.  Hazelwood is an awesome healing substance used for many things including eczema, acid reflux and teething.  Her son Brayden has responded very favorably to the necklace.  Good Luck and if you win let me know if it helped!!!!!
Hazelwood - Magnetic 18" Necklace for Adults - Natural Healing Jewelry with Magnetic Therapy  - In stock and ready to ship from the USA

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Disposable Nation

I don't think of myself as a major tree hugger, but I try my best to recycle and conserve. I certainly could do a lot more for the environment, but I do like to minimize the waste in my household. I wanted to say how appalled I was when I received some Take and Toss sippy cups and spoons as a gift. Have you seen these? Oh how convenient to allow your child to use a plastic sippy cup once and then toss it out. What? Atleast they could've made it out of a coated paper product (like milk cartons are made of). I'm also disgusted by those single use Kleenex towels. The commercial makes us believe that we're going to catch a terrible disease using a hand towel. Aren't your hands clean when you dry them on the hand towel? Are you not laundering the hand towel regularly?

Ok, so now I do sound like a tree hugger. I just hate how our attitude in America is that everything is disposable. Will it kill us to wash a cup or use a towel? No! And we'll keep our planet a much nicer looking place!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Crawler Covers

I love baby leggings and I've found some super cute ones for a good price thanks to my friend, Jen.  Leggings keep the baby's legs warm, but unlike pants you don't have to take them off to change the diaper. The taking off of the pants is not difficult, but putting them back on is.  You get them on one leg and then as you are working at getting them on the other leg they kick them off the first leg.  And putting pants on over a big cloth diaper butt can be really difficult!.  I also love that the leggings are one of the only pieces of the wardrobe that can be worn for several years.  Older kids often enjoy wearing them on their arms.

Check out the website! They sell for between 5 and 6 dollars each (which is half of what other brands cost) when you order the special package. Evangeline has some black ones with pink and white stars and white ones with skulls and multi-colored hearts.  So cute!

Cloth Diapering

I decided before Evangeline's arrival that I wanted to cloth diaper her. I knew very little about it at first, but have come to LOVE it! It's even easier than I thought it would be. Initially I was just going to use them at home and use disposables when out, but I've since become a full timer. Now I haven't been on any vacations with her, but even then I'd probably use disposable liners and my FLIPS diaper covers. The covers could easily be washed in a sink and they dry super fast when hung up.

I mainly decided to CD because I hated to think of all the non-biodegradable waste that would be in the landfill. Disposable diapers represent the third largest consumer product in landfills, making up about 4% of the waste in the landfills and they make up about 50% of the waste in a diapering household^1. And after researching them I learned of so many other reasons to CD. Firstly it will save tons of money. Who doesn't want to do that? Disposable diapers are a good portion of the budget for the babies first 18-24+ months. Did you know that the average child will go through 5,000-7,500 disposable diapers from birth to potty training? And at $0.25 -$0.50 per diaper, that's roughly $2500-$7,500. on diapers alone (this does not include wipes, pail liners, baggies, diaper rash cream, etc.). Think of what you'll save using them on all your children if you plan on having more than one child like I do! Cloth diapers may be more of an expense up front, but you are not buying new diapers all the time. They are also much healthier for baby. Babies in cloth diapers are less likely to get moist diaper rash because cloth keeps the moisture away from the baby. Also, disposable diapers are made of synthetic, potentially toxic materials that I'm just not interested in having up against my baby's skin. They contain dioxins, sodium polyacrylate, and other chemicals and dyes, all of which can lead to diaper rash and possibly many other serious health conditions. Sodium polyacrylate (a super-absorbant substance) was present in tampons, but removed after it was linked to toxic shock syndrome and dioxins have been linked to reproductive issues, hormonal imbalances, immune deficiencies and even cancer. It is considered by the EPA to be one of the most toxic of cancer-linked substances and is banned in many countries^1. I think I'd prefer to keep these substances off of my baby!

When I tell people that I cloth diaper they think I'm crazy, but they don't know how easy it is. They have many misperceptions that I hope to dispel. Cloth diapering can be easy and fun and I plan on sharing with you how this is so. I'll share some pictures of the diapers and supplies I use and how easy it is to use and care for them! If you are at all interested I encourage you to try them and decide for yourself. If you don't like them they are super easy to sell on Craigslist or websites like Some sites even let you try cloth for 3-4 weeks risk free like or

^1 Information from : The Real Diaper Associations website:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rockin' Green

Because I use cloth diapers I wanted to be sure to use a laundry soap that is good for the environment, but that smells great too. I came across Rockin' Green Soap and decided to order some when I ordered some cloth diapers for Evangeline. I especially liked that it is HE compatible. It was around Christmas time and they didn't have many scents available so I tried the Green Tea which is a very light scent. I use it on her clothes and diapers and it seems to do a good job of gettin the funky smell out of the diapers.
I was recently ordering swim diapers for my girl and I ordered some of the pail freshener in Smashing Watermelon. It smells yummy! And while it doesn't make the diaper pail smell like roses it does help decrease the odor some. I sprinkle it in as needed and then you just toss the diapers in the wash and the freshener dissolves in the laundry.
29 Diapers is having a giveaway for the pail freshener in your choice of scent. Some that I'd like to try are Mighty Mighty Marshmallow and Orangevana. Enter the giveaway at